Mexican cuisine, not to be confused with Tex-Mex cuisine, which is often referred to as "Mexican food" in the U.S. and Canada, is known for its varied flavors, colourful decoration and variety of spices and ingredients, most of which are native to the country.
The cuisine of Mexico has evolved through thousands of years of blending indigenous cultures with later foreign elements. It has a long and flavourful history, and we will be showing what a real Mexican meal looks like this week for our evening service, here’s a quick peek at what we are offering;
Canaron y Vieira ponzole
Shrimp and scallop posole
Carne Adobada: A la parrilla marinado Adoba carne lomo de frijol negro y cebollin cauterizada
Grilled adoba marinated striploin steak with black beans and seared scallions
Tostadas de frijol negro con salsa de tomatillo asado y guacamole fresco
Black bean tostados with roasted tomatatillo sauce and fresh guacamole
Canela churros con chocolate caliente con especias
Cinnamon churros with spiced hot chocolate
Reservations are strongly recommended, 681-3225